Time to Slow Down
Before starting the cruise, the only thing I knew about Toulon was it was the home of the French Naval Fleet. In the months leading up to our trip, I did less research on Toulon than any of the other ports of call.
By the time we reached Toulon both Cathy and I were a bit under the weather. Four ports in four days was a bit much, and we decided to take things a bit slower in Toulon.

Toulon was a pleasant surprise.
The port was right downtown in a huge marina. The marina had its fair share of high end yachts. But, unlike Monte Carlo, the majority of boats wouldn’t have been out of place in our local marina. A row of small shops and restaurants line the Quai Cronstadt, a walkway that runs the length of the marina.
Leaving the ship, after a late breakfast, we walked through the port parking lot to Avenue de la République. Across the street to the right was the Stade Mayol football (soccer) stadium and the Mayol Shopping Centre.
We went left.
Farmer’s Market
A few blocks, and we were at Place Louis Blanc, which, along with Cours Lafayette, form a pedestrian mall. When we were there, there was a farmer’s market. There was amazing variety of fruits, vegetables and other produce.
Even though it was the middle of October, there was a wide variety of peppers, tomatoes, olives, fresh oranges and other fruits that I couldn’t identify. After walking up Cours Lafayette to Rue Jean Aicard, we headed back toward the ship. Picking up some olive wood forks and spoons for gifts along the way.

Lunch Time
Our plans were to have lunch at one of the restaurants that lined the walk in front of the marina. It was near noon, and all the restaurants were full.
We wound up having lunch at the ship.
After lunch, we headed over to the mall to pick up some items we would need for on our trip back to London.
The mall was very modern and bright. On the upper level the mall opens up onto parking area and a small green space. Opposite the mall entrance was the UFR Ingémédia - Université de Toulon. Green Space near UFR Ingémédia - Université de Toulon

We decided to call it ‘a day’ and headed back to the ship.
Toulon didn’t make my list of places I want to return to (too many places — too little time) - it did seems like nice place to visit.